Student project.
The »KISDannual 2014« is the official yearly report of the Köln International School of Design, part of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.
The annual presents project work from different areas of expertise and the final theses of graduates from the degree programs Diploma, Bachelor and Master in Integrated Design as well as the Bachelor and Master of European Studies in Design.
For the project I illustrated the front- and back cover to make it look like a blue print for the actual report. I worked out the layout together with Anna Fitz, Steffen Brücken & Jakob Plöns.
Annual Team 2014
supervised by Prof. Andreas Wrede
Enis Akiev, Julia Verena Antista, Daniel Birk, Steffen Brücken, Jaqueline Diedam, Raoul Döring, Anna Fitz, Marcel Oelschläger, Dieter Pilger, Jakob Plöns, Roman Schlikow, Benedikt Schmitz
Photos by Raoul Döring